SFCC B2C Commerce Cartridge installation and configuration (video tutorial)
Last updated: Sep-12-2024
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Watch this tutorial to learn how to install and configure Cloudinary's B2C Commerce Cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud.
Video tutorial
Tutorial contents
This tutorial presents the following topics. Click a timestamp to jump to that part of the video.
Download the Cloudinary cartridge
You can download the Cloudinary cartridge from the Salesforce Partner Marketplace. You can also get the most recent release from Cloudinary's GitHub repo. For more information on installation, read our documentation. |
Components of the Cloudinary B2C Commerce Cartridge
There are a number of cartridges that are packaged together for SFRA and Site Genesis, some of which are required and some are optional. At the very minimum you need to install int_cloudinary together with either int_cloudinary_sfra or int_cloudinary_sg. There is also a metadata component that allows you to set up customer preferences and other configuration options. |
Configurations and administration
You can view various configuration options under Merchant Tools after you have uploaded the cartridge and imported the metadata into your sandbox. Under Administration, there are jobs that enable you to migrate and sync your assets to Cloudinary. In Services, you'll find connectivity related items that are imported with the metadata. |
Cloudinary core configurations
On the Cloudinary Core Configurations page you can configure the cartridge to talk to Cloudinary. In your Cloudinary, go to the Dashboard in the Cloudinary Console to find the product environment details that you need to set in the cartridge. Another key configuration is the Cloudinary Image Page Type setting that defines how Cloudinary handles transformations and responsiveness for various page types. |
You can no longer access your full credentials directly from the Dashboard. Find your Cloud name on the Dashboard, and all credentials, including API Key, API Secret, and API environment variable, on the API Keys page of the Cloudinary Console Settings.Asset management configurations
On the Cloudinary Asset Management Configurations page you can define how assets are mapped and how media is delivered on various pages. You may use the Cloudinary Product Gallery Studio to design your Product Gallery and customize it for your brand. |
Cloudinary transformations configurations
On the Cloudinary Transformation Configurations page you can manage global image and video transformations, format and quality settings for your site. |
Cloudinary jobs configurations
On the Cloudinary Jobs Configurations page you can configure and manage various settings for the jobs used to upload and sync your assets. |
Keep learning
Related topics
- Learn more in the Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C Commerce Cartridge documentation.
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