Additional onboarding resources
Last updated: Aug-26-2024
When you begin onboarding to Programmable Media, we recommend starting with one or more of the following to gain a quick understanding and hands-on experience with Programmable Media features:
- Developer kickstart
- SDK quick start
- Try it (code explorers and demo apps)
- 5‑step walkthrough
- Video tutorial library
Once you've played with one or more of the above, you may want to check out the resources available in this section to understand more about the service architecture and offerings, find answers to common onboarding questions or deep-dive into options for migrating your assets to Cloudinary.
Service Introduction
Read about the service architecture, asset storage, security, available add-ons, and other details about how the service works at a high-level.
Onboarding FAQ
Browse through the questions most commonly asked by developers who are evaluating or getting started with Cloudinary Programmable Media.
Enterprise Onboarding FAQ
Browse through the questions that large organizations often ask when evaluating or getting started with a Programmable Media Enterprise Plan.
Migration Guide
Learn about the various ways you can migrate your exiting images and videos to your Cloudinary product environment.
Search the glossary for quick definitions of the terms and concepts you should be familiar with to get the most out of Cloudinary Programmable Media.